How do you manage your online admission enquiry in your school?

Online Admission management is a part of ERP SchoolAura, the system as they help you in the efficient admission process and reduce headache and queue of the parents. Our ERP SchoolAura software goal is to provide you with a good understanding of the subject and help you to understand the importance of these systems in your school.

What is an enquiry Management System?

An enquiry management system helps in educational systems manages and track student enquiries. It allows the educational system to collects, process, and respond to student enquiries via email, phone, and social media. This system also provides features such as daily enquiries to the better department or agent, tracking of enquiry status and history, and generating reports to help businesses better understand and respond to student needs.

What are the benefits of the admission enquiry management system?

Many school's are searching for a useful way to use a school management system to organise of their educational institutions. It can be use to manage school's while allowing easy, secure, sign-in with your phone number. Let us know about the benefits of the school management system.

Student management

Some student management systems also combine library management systems. This type of system can keeps track of the school property that has been issued to the students and when it will be return. It can be also track any of the penalties for the late returns, which keeps students safe. Student data is stored in the system, which can help reduced misuse of the school property. student data can be accessed by anyone in the organisation.

With the student management system, teachers can keep track of each student's activities, and parents can view the record at any time. The software also helps to teachers watch each student's performance and they can alert parents about any problem areas. It also helps in tracking fees and refunds and makes it easy to generate invoices and communicate with parents.

Also, to managing the student data, student management software also helps school's track students . Using this software teachers can creates a timetable and assign tasks to the students . This software is also important for those schools where attendance is very essential.

Class determination

A school management system also provides many benefits to the teachers and school's administrators. It can computerised class schedules as well as allow administrators to make manual changes as they needed. The system can also be use to schedule an entire batch of students. It also allows the administrators to view and edit data as well as send notifications to different staff members based on certain events.

Student portal

Student Portal is a web application where students can access for the school information. It provides a central location for all school's related information, reducing the likelihood of intercepting login credentials. Student Portal is an online page that enables students to login to the learning management system of the school. These websites may also provide information about the school including course curriculum, activities.

Bonding with parents

There is a lot of spreading in the world of education these days. Every school needs a way to communicate with their parents, and bridging the gap between the parents and teachers is more important than ever.

SchoolAura has helped in making a relationship between learners, parents and school's.

One of the advantages of using a school management system to communicate with parents is that you can notify them of important events and fees. That way, you won't missed an event or get charged a late fee. One more feature of this system is that parents can track the records of their children. It saves more time. With the school admission management system, parents can also pay their child's fees online.

Financial management

Financial management is a major aspect of school's operations. Without proper accounting software, it is difficult to check the school's finances and maintain compliance with accounting and tax regulations. But if implemented , school management software can streamline these processes.

Financial management with school management systems will ensure that all the stakeholders have equal access to the necessary information. Financial resources should be divided and in a manner that is consistent with the school's development plan. All spending must be tracked, and all purchases must conform to the rules and regulations. School administrators must also ensure that their accounting procedures adhere to government guidelines and policies, as well as establish controls over the financial management.

Effective staff workflow

With the right school management software system, you can automate and the run your staff's workflow and save valuable resources. At the beginning of the each semester, parents line up to pay their school fees. But, today, parents can transfered payments online and saves time. A good school management system can be efficient to the entire process, allowing parents to the complete the payments within a minute. This means more resources will be available to teach students or focus on strategic tasks.

Frequently Ask Questions

What else you want when you get all the things managed on a single click!!!


School management systems benefited for the entire human being including teachers, students, support staff and parents. They track student progress, course completion, student attendance, online exams, classroom and school finances. With so many aspects of school management to deal with, keeping track of the everyone and everything is a time- consuming task.