How can you monitor your Staff and Students in your school from anywhere with SchoolAura

How can you monitor your Staff and Students in your school from anywhere with SchoolAura

Managing a school is indeed not a child's play. There are many tasks here and there that need tender care and attention. Initially, teachers and other non-administrative staff used to work hard and struggle to get the jobs done. With the advent of India's top school management software, some of these jobs are done quickly. SchoolAura has a lot of segments that need extra attention and care so that the school can be run well.

Apart from fees and report cards of the student's attendance, reports can also be generated in detail. This is as far as the students are concerned. There is a separate place for the staff issues to be sorted. Let us have a look into what this segment does.

Staff Management

This top school software in India also looks into the issues of the staff and gets it managed efficiently. It is a very calculative application that looks into staff management. Issues like staff attendance, syllabus completion, and staff salary payments can be looked into through this application. A headteacher is chosen, and their credentials are saved for the app.

This makes it easier for the other staff to look into their data- what their attendance looks like and the subject course. Also, if they want to access their pay-slips, they can get it from here. This scheme makes the monitoring process very strong. It gets accessible to everyone, and the entire process of staff data monitoring becomes manageable.

This is such an efficient way of looking into the work patterns and also gives a working environment that is highly systematic. This also lets the teachers count how they are advancing on the academics of the students.

Monitoring from Mobile

This allows parents to use the website from anywhere the parents too. Suppose a parent is away, they will still monitor the student's academic progress. They will be able to check what has been covered in academics, and that data would be available subject-wise. This free school ERP helps the parents check the students' attendance. Even if the parents do not have laptops with them, they can access the same from their tabs or mobiles.

On a different note, teachers can do that through this application when they want to discuss a child. They can retrieve the student details at one go by just entering the name of the student's name. This way, the teachers can discuss the students' progress with the parents. Everything can be looked into, from their attendance report on how frequently they have attended school to how well they perform in academics.

This saves a lot of time for the teaching staff, and they can put all the details of the students in a systematic manner. The fees and accounts of the individual students can also be looked into from this system. SchoolAura is undoubtedly India's best school ERP which is such a practical application that it lets you check everything under one account.

Attendance and Fees Management

This is one of the most vital things that the app does. Looking for attendance issues can be pretty tiring. But with the attendance management section of the best school ERP software, the teachers can monitor the students' data. They can see how many days the student has attended school and how many days they have been away. This helps the teaching staff look into when the students usually tend to miss class.

Also, while discussing the progress with the parents, the teachers can point out the issue directly if there are any irregularities. Apart from this, they can check the fee structure for the individual students. The non-teaching staff monitors whether the fees of the student is paid. If there are any outstanding payments left for the students, they can be tracked down here. Also, the non-teaching staff can track down the total collection as well

Online Admission

Online admission, when maintained online, can save a lot of work. Students and parents can use it from anywhere. They don't have to be present physically to collect the forms. It helps a lot while automating the entire process. The documents directly get queued under the school's portal by this online process. Finally, it is up to the administrators to accept or reject a form.

This is an easy and effective way of looking into the admission process. It will make the entire system methodical. A lot of time for the administrative staff will be saved. The team will concentrate on other fruitful duties during this time. This new and revolutionary process will make the entire scenario up to date. SchoolAura will ensure that the staff's experience with internal matters is easy and worth it.


Q. Can we be able to access the websites internationally?
A. Yes. The app can be opened anywhere and everywhere globally. All you need is a working internet connection and a device. Just open the application and log in with your credentials. If you have that saved, the login process will also be spared. You can now very well monitor the data from the app.

Q. Will the parents be able to know about the academic advancements through the app?
A. Yes. The parents will get a clear picture of the academic advancements in the class. They will be provided with a subject-wise table that will tell them which teacher has completed how much of a specific subject. Also, they will be able to see the classwork and the homework assignments given to the children daily.

Q. Will I be able to save the report cards for all the terms separately?
A. Yes. The report cards for all the terms will be saved for all the students in the main account. You can always choose to click and select them and have a look to check how well your child has fared. They will remain saved until you decide to manually remove that from your account.